The villagers laughed at the story of a man who had spent half his life planting trees in the neighborhood.

The results of his work became apparent only 25 years later: Sadiman's persistence and determination saved the entire region from a prolonged drought.

Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters
Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters

By the age of 69, a resident of a small Indonesian village has spent half of his life supporting green spaces.

The hills in the center of Java were once almost completely burned out, a lack of trees led to the drying up of the nearby river bed, and a few lakes were shallow.

Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters
Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters

It looks like the man was right with his assessment of the situation. Locals really couldn't draw parallels between green space and drought. It seemed strange to them to spend so much time on some trees.

Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters
Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters

Sadiman buried the first shoots in the ground back in 1997. 

Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters
Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters

Plants began to retain groundwater, soil erosion stopped, and lakes re-filled.

Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters
Screenshot: YouTube/Reuters

And of course, no one looks down at Sadiman anymore. The man became a respected member of society.

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Resource:, YouTube/Reuters

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