Perhaps this is the extreme degree of affection for your person. The cat named Jamie is already more than 13 years old, he is an elderly animal with a difficult fate.

But in his old age, life gave him an almost ideal mistress and now Jamie is trying not to let her out of his paws - almost in the literal sense of the word.


Sarah Dempsey loves to remember how she met Jamie. She came to the animal shelter, choose a future pet for herself, saw a sleeping cat and bent over to look at it.

And he immediately woke up, as if he felt her gaze. And meowed pleadingly, "Will you take me out of here?"


Of course, how could you have done otherwise?

Later, Sarah learned that Jamie had recently had feline flu, and before that he had problems with his kidneys, and before that - with paws.

Due to the abundance of non-medical expenses, the staff of the shelter put an end to it and even stopped showing it to visitors.


Jamie's chances of finding a new family were negligible, so it's no wonder he was so happy.

The cutest thing is Jamie's habit of giving his paw to the hostess when he is about to sleep. Without this, the old cat will not be able to relax and fall asleep, if you let go of his paw, he will immediately wake up and begin to worry.


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And Sarah does not want to disturb the pet unnecessarily, so she tries to support him by the paw. And Jamie knows that while he sleeps, the hostess is not going anywhere!


Resource:, YouTube/DailyPicksandFlicks

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We wrote earlier: An old homeless cat was lucky enough to find a loving family after six years of living on the street