Tillbaka i december förstörde Black Summer-bränderna de frodiga regnskogarna i Gippsland i sydöstra Australien. Invånarna tvingades fly från lågorna och lämnade många inhemska djurarter.

Emily Small och hennes mamma Sharon gick med i dem och evakuerade sin ranch i den avlägsna byn Goongerah.

Mor och dotter driver Goongerah Wombat Orphanage, ett djurräddning som tar hand om sjuka, skadade eller föräldralösa livmoder.

En dag fördes en trio av små wombat efter att deras mamma drabbades av en bil. De hade hittats inuti pungdjurets påse och klämde knappt fast vid livet.

Emily och Sharon turades om att ta hand om Beatrice, Bronson och Landon direkt. Under tiden fortsatte Emily att pendla till sitt jobb på Wildlife Victoria i Melbourne.

När bränderna slog, var de tvungna att packa ihop sina lilla djur och flytta till Emilys lägenhet för att vänta på farans slut.

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HELLO! It’s us, the Baby Son’s! Mum and Mim asked us to tell you they haven’t forgotten about you, they promise. ‘Apparently’ we are time consuming... 🙄 Lots of things have been falling. Like rain and tears. So much so we nearly went swimming on the weekend! Mum said she’s got lots of updates to share as soon as she can. They both love you all (but obviously us more) 🙊 - Landon & Bronson X #GWO #orphanwombats #goongerahwombatorphanage

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Visa mer

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Ändå slutade dessa dedikerade djurräddare aldrig att ta hand om barnens behov. De reste till och med tillbaka till Goongerah vid en tidpunkt för att hämta bitar av inhemskt gräs och jord för att underlätta wombats eventuella utsläpp i naturen.

"Människor tycker att wombats är dumma, för de kommer inte ur vägen för bilar när de närmar sig", sa Emily.

Men de har riktigt dålig syn och kan bara se en meter eller två framför sig. Så de stannar när de hör en bil och inte kommer ur vägen, för de kan inte se den och sedan träffas de.

Men de är de smartaste djur - de är superintelligenta! Jag kan inte berätta hur många tecken på det som jag har sett genom åren.

Emily använder en speciell pungdjursmjölkformel för att mata djuret, som har bildat ett tätt band med varandra och deras surrogatmamma.

Naturligtvis har det inte gjort övergången lätt. Wombats är nyfikna varelser som försöker äta allt de hittar, så det var ingen enkel uppgift att leva tillsammans i en trång lägenhet i flera månader.

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When will I feel better? When will life become ‘normal’ again? When will it not hurt again? I don’t know if there is an answer to these questions, I don’t know if there ever will be. The pain and guilt I feel is overwhelming. The knowledge of what has to be done to start ‘recovering’ makes me cower, shrink and want to run, disappear. I don’t feel capable. I don’t feel strong enough to even begin to take the first steps to re-establish my place in this new world. The opportunities, love and kindness are overwhelming. The ideas are actually tangible if I had the energy to put them in place. I just don’t know how to gather that momentum and take the plunge. Maybe it is not time for me, maybe I have to heal more first. I don’t know. I just don’t know. This is a difficult concept for me to announce and tell you. I was proud of my confident decision-making skills. My sturdy directness supported me through structure and self-discipline, enough to make my work and wildlife passion possible. Now, it is all gone. This is a huge outpour and not directly Wombat related, but I needed to tell you all why we have been distant. Our wombats are okay, it is the purest, most tactile form of happiness I have at the moment. Laying in the grass and dirt, checking in on them, watching and scratching their itchiness. They are what gets me up in the morning, they always have been. Stay with us, we will get there. #walkthroughtheasheswithme X Emily #GWO #orphanwombats #goongerahwombatorphanage Thank you @jerenks for the 📷

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Vilken otrolig uthållighet! Det är uppenbart att ingenting kommer att hindra dessa dedikerade djurlivsförespråkare från att hjälpa djuren runt dem. Tack, Emily och Sharon, för allt ni gör!

Dela den här historien för att öka medvetenheten om små, hängivna skydd som den här.

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I crashed a few weeks ago and haven’t come back. The layers and layers of heavy feelings like guilt, sadness and loss stay close. We thought we would feel better by now, but that is not so. I guess this is me saying thank you, in every single way and sorry that I have not been able to express that like I would have wanted. I still have hundreds of messages and emails to get back to and it makes me anxious. Although we have not had many animals come in due to the fires, your incredible generosity will go towards making our home, our orphanage the best possible place to give wombats the care they need. Originally we had thought we would be inundated with animals and would be in need of the required consumables etc. However, during this time it became apparent that our current facilities are barely sufficient in providing the care and treatment we think is suitable on a daily basis for wildlife. This is down to basic needs such as shelter for our enclosures (currently tarps), shelter for our released burrows (currently nothing), actual enclosures that keep wombats in and out (currently ‘band-aid’ fixes of all sorts of materials that continually fail), a dedicated treatment and care facility (currently the falling down kitchen and my bedroom/lounge room), lights/power (currently our solar system has had enough, quite enough), the list goes on. I just want you to know that these are the plans, the ideas and the dreams. To eventually continue our work with these special, loving creatures to make sure they have the best outcome they can. Lots of love and thank you from the deepest parts of the burrow. X #GWO #goongerahwombatorphanage #orphanwombats

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